Another Miss J!! This beauty took advantage of my dark and light promo session and upon meeting I could see she was very hesitant and nervous to do her session. As a boudy photog, I can usually get a feel for my babes and I could sense her anxiety. Nevertheless, she pushed past her fears and jumped into her session with 2 beautiful feet! This gorgeous babe had a hard time seeing her gloriousness and when she came in for her reveal with her mom and best friend, someone must have been cutting onions, because there were tears all around. All this time she had felt less than, undesireable and yet, here in front of her was the amazing woman that her family and friends knew the whole time. Miss J finally realized what everyone was telling her. But don't take it from me, check out her story below:
I was really second guessing my decision to do this shoot. I was so nervous the days before the shoot, even more so the morning of. However I bit the bullet, picked up my heels and off I went!
I felt very welcomed greeted by Teri's and Nicole's smiles. Make up almost done, that crazy nervous feeling returned. Teri assured me I would be ok and have a great time. A few moments into the shoot I chuckled to myself and thought yes she was right. Teri made me feel so comfortable and I had a great shoot with her!
I brought my amazing mom and one of my oldest and dearest friends to the reveal. Sitting there the nerves were almost too much. I was scared to have them see what I had done and hear what they thought. Once the photos started I thought wow, tears uncontrollably fell and not just from me. What a feeling, it was overwhelming. Looking over at my mom and my friend seeing tears in there eyes and mamma validating what she has always said..... you are beautiful! I felt at peace.
Teri you have helped me see my beauty outside and within once again!!
Miss J.'s experience is unfortunately not uncommon. Too many women second guess their beauty, their strength, and their sexiness and it is a session like this that will help them see the reality of who they are as women. While I am very happy to help women experience that on their journey, it also pains me that so many women go years without ever knowing or acknowledging their true worth. So don't wait for the "right time", until your body is "perfect", because 1 year waiting to see yourself as anything less than phenomenal is 1 year too long. Are you ready to REALLY see yourself? If so, hit the contact button up above and we will have a chat!