Well, guys, things are moving up and becoming a bit more streamlined to make an epic boudy experience for you! For starters, I have made my offerings much more minimalist (like my work) to make life easy for you! You select your images, get a fabulous album + digitals + wall art and call it a day (for more details shoot me an email and I can send you my info guide)!
I have also updated my Bad Ass Guide to Boudoir Styling to better suit my mission in terms of the Classy Sessions. You see, when I first started boudoir, I thought it was important to do things the way everyone did them when it came to boudoir. Dress up the woman, throw on all the jewellery, fancy shoes, etc. but the closer I came to recognizing my goal to empower women, I started to strip away at the suggested articles of clothing/items. I found that women would come to me with society's definition of sexy and they would be extremely uncomfortable. I also found the more "stuff" we incorporated in terms of clothing/accessories, the more the woman was hidden once again. I find that the less you have to hide behind, the more vulnerable and real your session becomes and that's when you tap into the sensuality and what it means to be comfortable in your own skin. It's about highlighting the sparkly bits of you, not the sparkly bits of the accessories that adorn you.
Now, if you want to do a totally dressed up, character-type session, then request a Sassy Session at your consult, because ANYTHING goes for those!! Wigs, over the top styling, crazy lighting, on location, pretty much the opposite of the Classy Sessions! I usually recommend starting with the Classy Sessions for your first shoot and then coming in to play for a Sassy Session!
In addition to the Classy & Sassy Sessions, I will also be offering Celebration Sessions (more to come on these!) These are an epic chance for you to celebrate whatever the hell you want: your self love journey, your birthday, your divorce, whatever. They are completely customizeable and are legit one of the best ways to celebrate momentous occasions in your life! You can also invite your friend(s) to participate, so stay tuned for that later!
Lastly, you have probably noticed a lot of photos of my main gal, Jill. In addition to helping me with modeling for my creative, last minute ideas to keep me learning, Miss Jill has come on as my Director of Customer Relations (like an actual employee now), meaning she will be helping out with consults & reveals in the studio. While I will still be present at the consults alongside Jill, I needed to free up more time for myself to be able to do what I do best: creative stuffs and empowering babes all over the world! I will be doing a lot more traveling coming up and this will allow me to make sure you don't have to wait any longer for your photo reveals, products, and consults! Jill has been with me since the dawn of Teri Hofford Photography's foray into boudoir and she is studying women's psychology at the University of Manitoba so she is on board with the mission of empowerment of Teri Hofford Photography.
I want you to get to know Jill a bit more, so I sat her down for an interview to give you insight as to why she wants to work for Teri Hofford Photography!T: So, Jill, tell me a little bit about yourself. J: I'm 20 years old, I am studying psychology at the U of M, I started modeling when I was 12, and I LOVE cats.T: How did you meet me?? J: I met you back in 2014 when I booked a shoot for my modeling portfolio. We quickly became friends and kind of worked together a lot since then doing fun things. I learn a lot from you.T: I learn a lot from you too! J: We met at an interesting time for the both of us. You were just getting started in boudoir and Winnipeg wasn't really known for anything other than wedding photography and I was getting my foot in the door as far as plus size modeling goes [and yes, in the fashion industry, Jill is considered plus size]. I was told that it would be good for me to work with a photographer that worked with all body types.
T: Tell me about your journey with self image and self love. J: When I started modeling, I was very young and impressionable and I compared myself a lot to other successful models in and outside the city. It was hard on me mentally because I was still very young and was being influenced by negative behaviour in the modeling industry. Back then too, plus modeling was not really a thing (aside from size 8/10). When I started it was when the super thing look was what the agency wanted. It affected me into thinking that I wasn't good enough and my success in other areas was surrounded by how much I weighed and what my measurements were. I tried to get down to what they wanted, but my habits were not the healthiest and I was still not thin enough for them. Therefore, thin enough was never thin enough for me. I found then, that other girls would see me as a role model to achieving thinness, but I was a role model that I didn't want to be. It was very hard up until I was about 15/16. I realized then that I still really wanted to do modeling and had an experience with a photographer from Toronto and was asked if I would be interested in doing plus size (I was at a size 4/6). At first, I was hurt but then they showed me plus size models and I realized that they looked more like my natural body than this cultural expectation. Like, why can't I just be a "model" instead of fitting into a category?
T: So, how have your feelings towards modeling changed? J: Initially, I think I had an unhealthy relationship and had this weird confidence because it was a double edged sword. As soon as I realized that I could model at my natural size, it has become fun again. My perspective on a lot of things has changed as a result of me moving from straight-size modeling to plus size modeling. I had to stop comparing myself to other girls because there were not a lot of other girls to compare to in the Winnipeg market. I had to start looking within myself to model. I realize that I am my own person and that is extremely liberating. Like most people, I'm not 100% there, but I'm getting there.
T: I think everyone is like that. So, what do you like about what we do at the studio? J: I have seen your business grow (we have lots of shoots under our belts LOL) and I have been personally impacted by our work together. I can look back and see how we were figuring a lot of stuff out and this is a safe relationship for us to be creative and play. Of course, there is work...but it feels like play. A lot of the clients that we get in here remind me of how I am and how the modeling industry is...always trying to achieve this unrealistic body expectation for other people. I think having to realize who I am at a young age allows me to help inspire women to accept themselves as THEY are and realize that their beauty is incomparable to any other beauty. Society is bullshit. It's nice to give women a space to realize they are beautiful regardless of where they are in their journey. It's great to work with people who are passionate about overcoming poor body image and seeing the expressions,comments and feedback of clients is really nice and makes me happy!T: What do you want clients to know about you? J: I want to help support women through their journey and help them realize this is a starting point. I want clients to know that when you have a day where you feel super crappy about yourself, to remember that it is JUST a day and it's okay to feel that way. BUT it's not okay to stay there. I want clients to know that despite being a model, I have had and still do have insecurities (if not more!). I think a lot of people judge me based on my looks and think I have it all together, but at the end of the day I am still susceptible to the same shit that everyone else is. I want women to understand and uphold the values of the Boudy Babe Code of Conduct, especially when it comes to not judging others or themselves. Essentially, I want clients to know that I got their back and I am super pumped to help them have an experience they will remember forever!T: What is going to be your role with Teri Hofford Photography? J: I am the director of client relations. Essentially, I will be doing consultations alongside you and then follow up after the session with the reveal. So, I get the fun part of seeing the client reactions after their epic experiences! I also get to help clients select their final images and provide the best information to give them the best display options for them. The thing I am MOST excited about is that I get to connect with and keep in touch with clients after their session to help them continue to stay empowered!
So, that is what is new and exciting for Teri Hofford Photography (for now) but I do have one more exciting situation going down, but it is not complete yet, so all will be revealed soon! I couldn't be more happy to have a growing team of amazing babes to continue to empower the women of our community and beyond!
The Hardest 3.5 Minutes of Her Life ~ Winnipeg Boudoir Photography
I think my makeup artist Nicole said it best when she told Miss K "It's like you have happiness shining out of you." This gorgeous woman bounded into my studio with such excitement that it couldn't be held in. Her infectious smile, sparkly personality, and sassy self definitely fit the "boudy vibe" and I knew that for her it was going to be important that she saw herself as a sexy woman. She kept saying she "didn't know how to be sexy" (If I had a dollar for every time a boudy babe uttered those words....) I also advised her that for some people, smiling IS sexy. I think we have this stupid idea of what sexy is, but it (like most things dictated by "society") is bullshit. Sexy is you in your most natural, unapologetic, confident state. Anyhow, I will let Miss K take over the blog now, with her feels about boudoir. I love this babe.
At first I was rather nervous to do the shoot wth Teri as its something outside of my comfort zone as I was (not so much anymore) self conscious about my body. Growing up as a bigger kid those feelings of self consciousness don't go away and tend to linger regardless of working out a fair amount and losing weight it's hard to shake those negative self thoughts that you've had for such a long time.
The only thing i regret is doing my consult so early from the shoot as I was dying from excitement waiting over two months to do the actual shoot. The day of the shoot itself I was certainly nervous but after some delightful directions from Teri and tons of laughter I definitely became more confident and comfortable!! No second thoughts when she asked "Sooo you wanna do some topless pictures" or "do you want to get naked now" it was just yup! Let's do it!
Throughout the actual shoot as well Teri just makes you feel so amazing. It literally pumped my confidence and self love so much I'm almost still bursting!
AND THEN THE REVEAL!! That had to be the hardest 3 and a half minutes of my life looking at all those pictures and seeing myself in another light - I am gorgeous. Amazing. Confident and no longer care to or want to strive to be anything but myself and love the body I have the way it is. I can't thank Teri enough for being such an amazing eye opening support and laughing with me, passing me the tissues whilst crying like a blubbering baby and for aiding me in my self love quest!
Miss K also showed her images to her momma and here is what Mama K had to say:"LOVE YOU and I must say, I’m very proud of you, Kasia – you are very beautiful – inside and out and I rejoice in your discovery of you!!! I say that from my heart not just because I’m your Mam!!!"I asked Miss K if I could share her images and her story, not only because they are beautiful, but also because I think it is important for people to realize that women of ALL sizes struggle with body image and feeling okay with themselves. We are all just trying to fit into these stupid boxes that the world tries to put us in (even though regardless of how much weight we lose, gain, or change, we will just be forced into another box) and I think that the more women take the time to show themselves some self love they will start to realize that they ARE enough and all along they WERE enough...and the people that can't get on board with that?...well, they can just fuck off.
It Saved Her Life ~ Winnipeg Boudoir Photographer
I know the tremendous impact I want my work to have on the women who not only come in for a shoot, but also for those viewing it from afar, but sometimes I forget exactly how much it actually does. I posted a casting call in my VIP Boudy Babe group awhile back and Miss S scooped it up, coming in for a session and attempting to give herself some love. Little did I know that this session would affect her as much as it did. I will let Miss S take control of the blog now and tell you in her own words exactly how her session changed her view of herself.
When I first saw Teri's work, all I could think of, "I need this. Like. Now."
So I showed it to my partner, who agreed that it would help. I told him it would save my life. So when Teri was doing a casting call, I jumped on it. A week before I came into Teri's studio, or as I call it, "Magic Boudy Land", I was terrified. Scared. What if she is repulsed by my look? I have so many scars, pimples, etc, what if I just look like a girl with a disease? What if my partner hates them? What if *I* hate them? These were all things that were going through my head, and more. I was diagnosed with BPD(Borderline Personality Disorder), PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Anxiety(all varieties at different levels), and depression. So as some could imagine, I didn't think I could do it. I have huge body issues(Body Dysmorphia, very low self esteem, etc), and it causes me to think, and feel like nothing. That *I* am nothing, or not worthy of being loved by anyone. But as I walked through the door of Magic Boudy Land, my worries kind of melted away.
Teri is an amazing person, she radiates with so much glitter and sparkle that I don't think anyone could be sad in her room. She just makes you feel at home and loved, and very welcomed. When we got started, after makeup(which was so mystifying), she explained things clearly, with no pressure. It's like we were friends for years. She treated me like an equal, a sexy goddess, a beautiful woman, a normal human being.
After the shoot, I was so happy. I was radiating glitter and sparkle and so much sass. I was confident. And I am in love with myself. I know getting a boudy shoot to some may seem like nothing, or that it won't do anything. Or that it's "not for you" or that you have to be a certain body type to get one. No. It saved my life. My humanity. Not only am I more confident. I feel great. It's like a personal high. I advise everyone to get one done. Sure, you may still have bad days, but I find that I still think I am sexy even on the worse days. I am loving myself, and everyone should feel this way.
I'm not gonna lie. I totally teared up when I read her email. This session SAVED. HER. LIFE. No, wait. SHE saved her life. She followed through with her session despite the constant battle in her mind. There are a number of women out there who would cancel, reschedule or just not go forward with their session because of all of the fears Miss S listed, but look what happened when she pushed herself so far outside of her comfort zone?? SHE DID AMAZING!! She is renewed and one step closer to being at peace with herself. Had she not pushed past the fears she would be in the same self-depricating and emotionally damaging state that she was, but this bombshell DIDN'T let her fear stop her. Instead she faced it head on and powered her shoot with her nervousness (and as a result, "killed it" as the kids say these days). It's clients like this that pull at my heart and make me dig my feet in even more to help build a community and world of women who can embrace their worth and fabulousness. Do something this week that scares the shit out of you....do something that makes your soul feel on fire....and do something just for yourself. (If part of that is booking your boudoir session, hit the contact button above or join the VIP Community on Facebook to get one step closer!!)
She Was An Expert At Misery ~ Winnipeg Boudoir Photography
I received an email from Miss J that started with the following:
Her harmony came not throughthe complete absence of chaos,but in the realisationthat she was resilient enoughto come back stronger than anythingthat she would endure.~ Becca Lee
Miss J has frequented my blog on a few occasions, but I think this session was the one that took her to new depths of her soul. We always have fun shooting together, but when she came in for her consult this time, I told her that I wanted her to realize that she is more than just a comedian or a "funny gal". I wanted her to realize how sexy, strong, feminine and amazing she is and the humor just adds to the amazing cocktail that is Miss J. Here's Miss J's take on her boudoir session:This was not my first photo session with Teri: we met at the style-off competition last winter, then she took some hilarious and fun headshots for me, and finally she was there capturing the precious moments of my haircut for cancer.
Strangely enough, I hadn’t yet booked myself a true boudoir session. I jumped on one of the fabulous monthly promos, and the excitement began. When I met with Teri she made an effort to push me into a real, raw boudoir shoot. She saw that I am more comfortable playing a role than being myself, and I am so grateful she could see that in me, because I realized afterwards how satisfying it was to see ME in every photo. Boudoir has a way like nothing else to look at ourselves and celebrate our bodies, our beauty, our sensuality, our womanness.
I noticed a lot of people comment on my photos saying they could NEVER do a boudoir shoot. I stand in front of these amazing, beautiful, breathtaking women with my mouth agape as they pinch at fat and carefully deconstruct their faces until I’m not entirely sure whose face they are talking about anymore. Do they think I have not done the same to myself? Of course I have. A million times over. But I just got tired of it. I got tired of always finding something wrong in my reflection, and it started transferring into every interaction in my life. I became an expert at misery. I spent my life thinking my nose entered the room before I did, until I let my guard down and listened when people told me that my eyes often shone the brightest in a room, how my laughter was contagious, how my story inspired them.
This boudoir session allowed me to be vulnerable AND empowered. Our lives, our bodies, are so precious, and we spend so much precious effort on loathing our “flaws.” The cold hard fact that I have learned in the last few years is that you can’t take “beauty” with you, “beauty” is fleeting and worthless without a big heart, passion, ambition, and love for your life and your world.
Strip down, in whatever sense of the word that suits you best, let the world see the cracks in the facade, and don’t be afraid to shine as bright as you can.
Jessica quickly became, like many boudy babes do, a good friend of mine and it is so exciting for me to watch her come into her own. Also, she always brings me baked goods which doesn't hurt! You can check one of Miss J's talent for writing here: 50 First Swipes and if you want to follow her life in comedy, I would assume you can hit her up on Facebook! Once you have done all of those things and are ridiculously inspired by this babe, I would assume you would want to book your own life changing session, so head on over to the Contact page and send me a note!
She Fell In Love ~ Winnipeg Boudoir Photography
I have no words for this session with Miss S. She is a fighter, a bad ass babe, a super sexy woman....but she never saw it and barely believed it. The first time I met Miss S I knew she had some concerns and hesitations about doing a boudoir session...so much so that we had TWO consultations and her session was a year in the making. I won't say anymore, however, but rather, give way to Miss S's powerful story. She is taking over the blog for today and you are not going to want to miss this! (Also, how fucking amazing are her outfits?? LOVED the colors!)
"My body has changed so much over the years, I gained 100 lbs and I had no control over it. I have a brain tumor which caused me to gain weight and gave me physical side effects in which I have no control over. I have had 2 brain surgeries and while my disease is still a contributing factor to my daily life I knew in order to be happy in my everyday life I had to except and start loving the body I am in as it may never change. About a year ago, I saw some of Teri’s pictures and specifically Nikita’s. I was mesmerized by how a plus size woman’s beauty was so flawless she is absolutely stunning. Thus began my relationship with Teri.
I initially had a consultation in 2015…where Teri explained to me the process, and began the transformation of how I saw myself. Something so simple as I said I want to feel beautiful for a day and she said HUN you are beautiful every day. I mentioned I hated my stomach and she called me on it and had me looking at it with an accepting attitude. Then I had another consultation and we discussed what I would wear and what she would have me doing and I was SOOOO nervous I thought I would puke. We made my appointment, and from that moment until the day it arrived I almost cancelled, and sent a half dozen emails with questions.
The day of my appointment I was nauseous , she let me relax on the couch and Nicole showed up and music was going and we just talked about music and our weekend plans Nicole and Teri just made me feel comfortable. I wasn’t a stranger ..Nicole’s makeup was AMAZING (I kept it on for 2 days). She did my hair which was simple and the way I do it and I was like "why does it feel so different?" Then it began.
I was so unsure about my smile and my posture and Teri told me I was stunning and gorgeous just kept going ….By the 2nd outfit I said to Teri "Wow! This is so liberating …." It was like I didn’t feel like I was this overweight mom of 3 kids, I was a beautiful mom of 3 kids…by the end of our shoot I was changing in front of Teri I wasn’t hiding in the corner of the studio and I was smiling and laughing a lot …and not just while she was taking the pictures. I was on a high for the rest of the day, I felt completely comfortable with who I was, and the increased amount of selfie’s where proof. Lol.
Then came time for the reveal and I was sitting at Teri’s computer and I was looking, not at the computer, but at Teri with tears in my eyes…I was scared, so very scared that everything I felt was going to come crashing down the moment I saw myself...the very shell of me on screen with no protection, and she said "look at those pictures and when you do look at them as you would someone else like your mom or your sister or a friend, NOT yourself" …and I did.
I fell in love with myself. I have never felt so beautiful in all my life. I looked at the photos and it was my clothes and my body …It was just me and Teri and her camera and I was beautiful. I have been smiling and on a cloud for 2 days since my reveal and I even showed my mother.
Every woman regardless of age, shape or size should do this. Have the opportunity to fall in love with themselves. Teri has given me pictures and but much more than that. SHE gave me the opportunity to appreciate and love the body that I have been given. I may have things I cannot control on the inside but I sure as hell can Love the outside. Thank you Teri ..you have really changed my life xoxoxo "