bad ass babes — Winnipeg boudoir photographer | — teri hofford

bad ass babes

Give the Middle Finger to Fear ~ Winnipeg Boudoir Photographer

boudoir photographer winnipegEvery time I post an image or blog post of some bad ass boudy babe, I get comments or acknowledgements like "OMG, you are so brave" or "I would be so scared to do that" and while I am not denying that getting in front of a relative stranger is scary as shit, it is one of those empowering experiences that you look back on and say "I don't know why I was so worried" and "I am SO glad I did this!"  So, while I can sit here and go on and on about why you shouldn't let fear hold you back from anything, most of all a boudoir session with moi, I will let my past boudy babes share THEIR fearless stories.  {Remember, fearless isn't about the lack of fear, but rather doing something DESPITE the fear!}winnipeg boudoir photographer"I would tell him/her to remember that there is fire inside him/her and to try and remember how bright it burned before it was stifled with doubt. Then pour some gasoline on that bitch and gitter done.""I tell my kids all the time that it's ok to be scared because it means you're going to do something really brave. Also, you have so much to gain from the experience!""Don't be hard on yourself. Being uncomfortable is part of the journey. It is necessary for you to feel what you are feeling, freely and without judgement from yourself first and foremost. Be trusting to those around you, and be vulnerable. Society teaches us to fit a mould and to nitpick at ourselves if we don't fit it to it's entirety. Your session allows you to break free from that, so embrace yourself for all that you are, and all that you are not. It's both rebellious and empowering to do so!""There is something so reassuring about the way Teri runs as session. I felt more at ease, more comfortable, more free with Teri just by the way she interacts with you. You know she's "a safe place", you know she "gets it", and you've seen how amazing Teri's work is..... The session is about you, how beautiful you are, and how truly transformative and empowering the session can be. Just be honest with Teri about how you feel, and she'll bring out the amazing woman in you that everyone else sees."winnipeg boudoir photographer"Trust in teri but more importantly trust in yourself! She is the artist but remember you are the canvas, a work of art. I understand being nervous or scared but just let it all go. Close your eyes, breath out the crap and breath in the gold and let yourself transform!""Let loose and embrace yourself and your body. Bring that outfit that you feel amazing in and I guarantee your confidence will shine through. Don't think about what others will think about your photos. Just keep in mind this is a time to get dressed up and treat yourself! It's an amazing experience. You'll have the jitters at first I am sure. Just remember that your beautiful,sexy, smart and intelligent! A woman who is strong and powerful!""There is something amazing about being vulnerable and then realizing that the person you're with is only there to make you feel amazing. I didn't realize how much it means to have another woman tell you how beautiful you are until I was mostly naked with Teri Hahaha. It was so cool, and an experience I'm always anxious to share with others."winnipeg boudoir photogher"Just do it!! Embrace being scared and nervous and trust in Teri! She knows what she is doing, and you will look amazing and feel so confident after the photoshoot! Trust the process and just put your trust in her and have fun!""That allowing yourself to be vulnerable is the birthplace of innovation, change and growth. It's the cornerstone of confidence and to quote Brene Brown, "we are wired to be brave; that's why we never feel more alive than when we're being courageous".""Best thing I ever did for myself! I was almost sick with nervousness even though I knew I was in good hands. The excitement from the reveal boosted my energy and lasted weeks! It's a great feeling to be excited about yourself for a change. Absolutely love my pictures.""You will rediscover yourself.  The whole time I'm standing there talking to a woman I just met while wearing lingerie and all I could think was, why don't I feel weird right now? Like I could just drink a coffee and chat with Teri in my underwear like it was the most natural thing."winnipeg boudoir photographer" I would tell that someone that sometimes you need to let yourself be vulnerable to someone else so that they can see all the beautiful incredible things you are for you to see them. You are strong enough, brave enough and fierce enough for this and soooo much more. Believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place. Best thing I ever did...forever grateful....""It's exciting and nerve-wracking which is perfectly normal , within minutes of Teri snapping pics you forget the nerves disappear your doing things in positions you've never would have thought striping your clothes off with ease to change outfits and then your done and you think that's it that wasn't so bad. And you will be nervous again once it's time to reveal Teri will give you the low down will be 100%convinced you won't like 1 picture ...then they are on the screen , you will need to pick your jaw up off the floor and you will say Shit! Is that me that bitch on the screen is Fierce and beautiful and sexy and it's you and you will be wanting ALL the pictures .. and then you will be an hooked and will want to take pictures all the time !!!""Grab life by the lady balls and be fierce! Teri will be your spirit guide and you will feel so empowered!! ❤️ no regrets.""And on those days in the trenches raising toddlers where I haven't showered or shaved or worn makeup for days, I just open my boudy book of photos to remind myself that I'm a god damn GODDESS!"minneapolis boudoir photography"1) It's okay to feel scared.2) It feels so great to be brave.3) Teri is magical and makes you feel so at ease it's crazy.4) You will feel empowered and like a total boss for a very long time after the shoot. (Possibly indefinitely)5) You only see the good photos.6) Again, Teri is magical. (Like a Teri Godmother or something)7) You get to look at your awesome babely photos of yourself later and be like "Holy shit, that's me, I'm a mu'fuckin' babe!"8) You are beautiful, and strong, and worth it, (and all the other good things) and you should go for it!9) Seriously, just go for it.10) Doooooo it.""You are worth it. Regardless of how much you love or hate your body features, Teri goes beyond the physical aspect. She gets ya in the feels. Inside you feel fierce. You come out seeing those physical features in a different way. The environment is safe and empowering. Teri truly invests her time in you. Shouldn't you do the same thing?"boudoir photography winnipegWhile these are just a few of the stories to come out of the Boudy Babes, I promise you that every woman who experiences an empowerment boudoir experience emerges with renewed self confidence, a wee bit of pride, and an acknowledgment that she is one sexy, bad ass babe ready to take on the world I hope the words from these babes will quell some of that fear that stops you from pushing the contact button or lets you procrastinate until "one day when..."  So, when you are ready to give the middle finger to fear, I am here and I am ready to give you one of the most empowering experiences of your life!