Miss J and I had the pleasure of meeting in person finally, after months of corresponding via the Facebook and Facebook group. As a fellow boudie photog, her and I have a lot in common, so I was excited to meet with her! I love learning and hearing from other photogs about their practices and just getting to see people face to face after only know them via their internet persona.
Like most women, Miss J had concerns about parts of her body, but with correct styling and posing we were able to eradicate those fears and concerns and make her look f*ing amazing. Does anyone else think she looks like Christina Hendrix?
We played around in my hotel room in Vancouver and chatted about business and enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Cactus Club. After meeting Miss J I realized how much MORE awesome she is in person than just online (as most of us are!) In addition to running her business, she also has a lovely little family that she loves immensely. She is extremely passionate about her work and she does amazingly elaborate, fantastical shoots for her clients that are super dreamy!
In addition to shooting this kick ass bombshell, I was treated to some beautiful, super moody, rainy Vancouver weather which allowed me to get the rich tones for her session! A lot of people shy away from the dark weather, but I find that it helps me created some amazingly contrasty images which I loooooove! That being said, before she left, I shoved her into the glass shower for a few shots to take advantage of the huge ring light provided by the bathroom mirror! Anywho, enjoy her gorgeous session and if you are from Vancouver and would love to shoot with me the next time I am there, let me know!! I LOVE Vancouver!